Friday, April 29, 2011

When mixing out of the box, your I/O should remain the same, unless a channel is not working or is unavailable. Every time you pull up a file, pull up a protools session with a designated Output that should be used for each mix. You should basically set up a template for the session you are going to have. I am thinking ahead of time for my capstone in this way and imagining what I will need, like how many channels, do I want certain instruments running to aux tracks with an effect on the other end, set up gating systems. When doing a session, you should constantly be thinking about your routing and layering for tracking and mixing. When recording drums, sometimes upwards of 12 microphones are used. The thing is you don’t need to use all of them – all of the time. It will just increase chances of phase issues As far as mixing the album goes, we have decided as a group to edit our own tracks and then bring them all together in the studio to mix down. There seems to be a ton of different opinions on what to mix and leave in the arrangement, and things seem a little sequacious at times.

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