Friday, March 4, 2011

Parrallel compression, 2-way compression

These are compression techniques used to get a fatter sound. Combining an uncompressed sound with a compressed sound in parallel and one on top of the other.
One way is to clone all the drum tracks and put them through a compressor. There is a much more elegant way to do that using AUX SENDS. Create a new stereo AUX track (DRUM BUS). Set the original tracks output to the drum bus channel. This AUX channel now acts as a drum stem. This will be a dry bus. Create another drum bus that will be “squashed” drums. Throw a compressor on the aux track. There is a 3ms delay because of the plug-in. To prevent phasing, add the same plug-in to the dry track but BYPASS it.

Let’s work with some audio:

Kick, snare, and room mic, through the board! (parallel compression)

For the MTA980, use a stereo monitor group, and the group sends/returns on the patchbay for the compressor of your choice, the Millenias or the Distressors. Control the level of the group with the monitor level pot, and leave the fader at unity gain.

Send all drum tracks to a stereo AUX channel drum bus. Put a compressor on the AUX channel. Create kick and snare sub mixes to be individually compressed and combined with overheads or other material.

Compressors enhance natural dynamic sounds with the drum mix, and fatter kick and snare sounds.

Parallel compression: one stereo dry signal, one stereo compressed signal simulaneously

2 stage compression:
set up 4 channels and send to groups 1-2, 3-4
Compressor on group 1-2, compressor on group 3-4.
How do you get compressor 1-2 into group 3-4?
Output of compressor 1-2 into line1 inputs (stereo channel) and send those channels back to the monitor group.

2 stage compression: Dry/compressed signal are being compressed by an additional stereo aux track.
The most energy is in the bass frequencys, and the compressor latches on in the middle of the transient, possibly creating a pop or click that you will have to digitally edit out.

Decca Records

For my presentation, I am choosing to discuss the history and fame of the mighty

Decca Records. It was a British record label that is now owned by the Universal Music

Group, the largest division of the major record labels in the music industry. Decca

records started way back in 1929, founded by a man named Edward Lewis. He was a

businessman that put a huge investment into this company or label, a couple of times.

Eventually Decca took over Brunswick Records, which but artists like Bing Crosby.

The label started out producing recordings for large or orchestras and cast recordings. I

will talk about what is considered to be one of Decca’s largest historical mistake in the

music industry. In the earlier years, they had been manufacturing gramophones, and had

eventually revolutionized quality sound recordings on disc. Decca was battling it out

with EMI records in a business race. There are many major artists that will be talked

about, like But Decca prevailed, inventing many things that boosted the advancement

and technicality of the audio market. Innovations such as ffrr, the LP, and ffss are among

just a few. The Beatles played a big part in this record label as well. Dick Rowe, John

Culshaw, and Hugh Mendl are among some of the more important figures/producers of